Выдрано из фанфика (а точнее, из очередного омаке по вселенной мистера Блэка, который вообще-то Гарри Поттер от замечательного автора Rorschach's Blot)
Это дополнительные правила к General Orders. Первое вообще шедевр
301 Do not question Kirk about his reports. Spock has verified that events have occured as described and the attempt to use logic or calculate the odds of said events occuring has filled an entire psych ward with auditors.
302 Romulan Ale is banned from all Federation functions.
303 Time travel is never authorized, however if such an event has occured it can be overlooked if the crew of the ship in question has brought back genetic samples of an extinct species from Earth's past. We still have a number of Voyager probes unacounted for after all.
304 The fact that Kirk's DNA has been found to match the ancestors of nearly every intelligent and vaguely humanoid species is an Omega level secret. There is no excuse for talking about it and hypothesing what Kirk did while in the distant past on various worlds.